Grayce Wynds Farm (“uniting heaven and horses for human inspiration”) proudly presents...

The Wild Horse Preserve at Grayce Wynds
The Wild Horse Preserve at Grayce Wynds
A 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated as a ministry that connects people and Eastern United States wild horses through outdoor education and recreation.
Located at Holden Beach, in-between Wilmington and Myrtle Beach.
Supporting facts:
Over 80% of Americans live in urban areas.
Numerous scientific studies show that people benefit both physically and mentally from outdoor exercise.
Wild horses have the overwhelming support of the American people as symbols of freedom, beauty, and power.
Wild horses have a positive economic impact on tourism, benefiting many localities.
- DONATIONS are always appreciated. One round bale of hay costs $80 (we currently are using about 20 bales per month), so all donations are appreciated.

Please note....
Grayce Wynds Farm is a no smoking facility. No open-toed footwear allowed on premises. Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. Any problems should be reported to farm personnel immediately. Liability waivers must be signed (North Carolina legislation places liability on participants due to inherent risks of farms and equine activities). Do not feed any horses. Bug spray is recommended.
Note: Admission charges are tax-deductible. All monies raised by the non-profit will go to support the daily operations of the preserve and will be used to expand programs. We are also raising funds to purchase land near Carova, NC to build a sanctuary for the horses. Grass and water sources are being overtaken with development. The Corolla herd is the most endangered herd due to the continual development of the privately owned northern beaches. Civilization is rapidly eroding their habitat.